

Hi my name is Tiger Ye! Currently I am an undergraduate student studying Mechatronics Engineering at the University of Waterloo. My passion is in CAD work, however I love to branch out occasionally into other fields such as programming and circuit design.

As a child I always dreamt of designing new gadgets and gizmos and I continue to work towards that goal, one step at a time. As of right now I am looking for a summer co-op to further develop my skills and gain more real world work experience!


Languages: C++, Java, Python, Javascript, CSS, HTML

CAD: Solidworks, Inventor, Fusion 360, AutoCAD, TinkerCAD

Other: Microsoft Office, Cura, GrabCAD Print, GrabCAD Workbench, Photoshop


Perseverance - Getting the job done is not always easy, I know this from personal experience. Whether it was running cross country or working to finish a long arduous project, over the years I have learned to push myself across the finish line no matter the task.

Leadership - Working as the Design/Overall lead for Agincourt’s FRC robotics team I was pushed into a leadership role. I learned and adapted from this experience and was eventually able to find the best way for me to lead the team.

Curiosity - I love to tinker with things whether it be physical or virtual. I always just want to know how it works. One of the products of the tinkering is the website you are on right now! It didn’t always look as clean as this. But as I learned the basics of Javascript, CSS and HTML through online resources I kept improving and the final product is what you see today. Of course I’m not done with it just yet! As I continue to learn web-development this website will continue to change and reflect that.


FRC - First Robotics Competition

FRC has been my gateway into a variety of hands on skills such as using drill presses, band saws, milling machines and much, much more. FRC taught me how to apply the theoretical knowledge I learned in classrooms to part design and manufacturing.

My role in team 1246 (our FRC team) was overall/design lead and thus I was responsible for integrating other designers CAD models into the final design and providing tasks for members of the team. Some of my design tasks included designing the elevator, powercell (balls) storage system and the hooking mechanism for the climb.

Probably one of my proudest achievements was using Fusion 360 to design a mechanical single use hook for 2020 FRC robot. A single use hook was needed to ensure the elevator would not descend during the power off period at the end of the game. The key component of the mechanism is the spring that was used such that no electrical components were required to latch on to the elevator.

RobotCAD Robot

Toronto Pan Am Sports Centre Maintenance Worker

Over the summer of 2017 I was a maintenance worker for the Toronto Pan Am Sports Center. During my time there I helped out with general maintenance duties. I don't really have pictures of myself working there so here's a picture of the TPASC instead.

Some days I would work with senior workers and go to the roof of the Pan Am Sports Centre to inspect it to look for leaks and possible damages. Other days I would help out with spreading wood chips around the south-end trees. One time I even helped them excavate the ground to search for a broken wire that prevented one of the lamps from turning on.





Here's just some random facts about me.